Tag Archives: prompt

Six on the Sixth – May 2016

The Unhappy King (King)

Unhappiness ran in his royal blood.

The Downside of Royalty (Brand)

People both hated and feared him.

The End of an Era (Flash)

The world changed in an instant.

The News of the Century (Radio)

Rumors of his assassination traveled quickly.

Careful Planning (Practice)

Endless wealth fueled his cunning plan.

A Meal Beside the Sea (Lunch)

Oceanfront wilderness offered solitude and happiness.

Written for Six on the Sixth.


Six on the Sixth Prompt – May 2016

6on6It’s that time of the month again! No not that time!

It’s time for some six word stories!

This post will act as the prompt for tomorrow’s event. I say tomorrow because that’s when I’ll be posting my stories, but feel free to be flexible with the day on which you post yours.

The idea is to write anywhere from one to ten six word stories. I usually go with six of them, just to keep the six theme rolling.

Post a link to your stories in the comments of mine (and any others that you read).

To be clear, as the stories are so short, it is NOT MANDATORY that you use the prompt words. Be inspired by as many or as few as you see fit. Most of all, have fun! That being said, the following random words are this month’s prompts:







Six on the Sixth Prompt – April 2016

6on6It’s that time of the month again! No not that time!

It’s time for some six word stories! Currently there isn’t a huge following, but hopefully as time passes more and more writers around the world will be contributing to this little exercise in creativity.

This post will act as the prompt for tomorrow’s event. I say tomorrow because that’s when I’ll be posting my stories, but feel free to be flexible with the day on which you post yours.

The idea is to write anywhere from one to ten six word stories. I usually go with six of them, just to keep the six theme rolling.

I’ve decided to do away with the inlinkz linkup until we gain some more followers. We’re going to do it old school instead. Just post a link to your stories in the comments of mine (and any others that you read).

To be clear, as the stories are so short, it is NOT MANDATORY that you use the prompt words. Be inspired by as many or as few as you see fit. Most of all, have fun! That being said, the following random words are this month’s prompts:







Six on the Sixth Prompt – March 2016

6on6It’s that time of the month again! No not that time!

It’s time for some six word stories! Currently there isn’t a huge following, but hopefully as time passes more and more writers around the world will be contributing to this little exercise in creativity.

This post will act as the prompt for tomorrow’s event. I say tomorrow because that’s when I’ll be posting my stories, but feel free to be flexible with the day on which you post yours.

The idea is to write anywhere from one to ten six word stories. I usually go with six of them, just to keep the six theme rolling.

I’ve decided to do away with the inlinkz linkup until we gain some more followers. We’re going to do it old school instead. Just post a link to your stories in the comments of mine (and any others that you read).

To be clear, as the stories are so short, it is NOT MANDATORY that you use the prompt words. Be inspired by as many or as few as you see fit. Most of all, have fun! That being said, the following random words are this month’s prompts:







Six on the Sixth – February 2016

They Call Him Goblin (goblin)

The women hate his beady eyes.


Just Tell ‘Em Where (spit)

They’d eagerly spit on his grave.


Self-Loathing (shine)

Turds were never meant to shine.


Belittle Me This (belittle)

Eventually, he snaps back at them.


Slack-jawed (gape)

Their egos shatter under his words.


Licking Their Wounds (maintenance)

They offer only half-hearted, insincere apologies.


Written for Six on the Sixth. Jump in and join the fun if you’re up for the challenge.
